There must justice for all or there is justice for no one.

Thursday, January 7, 2010


Thomas Merton was a Cistercian monk and a priest. He was a writer before he entered the monastary and it didn't slow him down. He went from fervant conventional convert to semi curmudgeonly commentator. He wrote about civil rights, civil wrongs, the insanity of trying ensure national survival by using weapons that would destroy the planet and non violence. And was the first to admit that he had more questions than answers. He received permission to attend an ecumenical conference in, I think Thailand, in 1968. Apparently he stepped out of the shower onto a wet floor that had an ungrounded fan sitting in the water. The real irony is that a man who preached non violence came home on a plane full of Viet Nam casualties. I suspect he would have appreciated the irony.

And that's the scariest part of the whole scenario-the people with the swords and the bombs believe that they have the "answer" and God help the rest of us. Personally, all I can speak to is what seems to make sense to me, right now. I can't presume to tell anyone else that it will work for them. Except to say that hurting another person doesn't solve anything for anybody.

Blessed be.

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