There must justice for all or there is justice for no one.

Thursday, September 17, 2020


 if it wasn't for the "blue" states. So tweeted the current occupant.

So geology is kind of slippery. I'm not really sure where to start. Start with the Big Bang and try to work it that way? Start in the middle. Start with Oregon and work backwards. In the meantime. The current occupant twitted that if you took out the death tolls from the virus in the so called Blue states the numbers wouldn't look so bad. Jim Wright over at Stonekettle gave his opinion that the when the rest of the world thinks about American they usually don't think about Arkansas for example.

Honestly I believe Arkansas just popped out. Bit some of the folks in Arkansas took offense at the compariason. He just pointed out that when it comes to films, plays, books, food, trouble folks overseas don't usually think of Arkansas either. It's Las Angeles, San Francisco, Chicago, Seattle, New York City, Boston, maybe Miami or Houston.  The first four are from so called Blue states. Although they're only blue because just enough Democrats got a majority to count in the electoral college.

For starters the virus does not know or care what your politics are.It's just looking for a nice, warm host to hijack to make more viruses.

When Tony Bennett sang tht signature song of his it wasn't "I Left my Heart in Kansas City" and Frank Sinatra didn't sing "Cleveland, Cleveland." Same number of syllables but Cleveland kind of falls with a dull thud. And why is there Chiago: the Movie and not Tulsa? Damned if I know. And Albuquerque might by famous for some because Bugs Bunny used to say "I knew I should have taken a left turn in Albuqurque" instead of whereever he took the right turn at.

I didn't really mention Portland. Portland's problem is the same problem Oregon has. It's north of Frisco and south of Seattle. These cities have the big hub airports. These cities have the big ports. Face it. If the merchandise is coming from Asia the shortest distance is to the west coast ports. It's that, or go around Africa. I'm not sure if the big tankers or container ships can even get through the Panama Canal.

I almost forgot about New Orleans. jazz, food, Mardi Gras. Honestly I think New Orleans is in a class by itself. It's in the south but isn'texactly "southern."

And sir, the electoral votes may have gone "blue?" But there are plenty of "red"voters in those states that ae just as vulnerable, and need just as much help as the folks in the so called "red" states. Somebody really needs to take that phone away from you. Heck you couldn't even hancle a town hall without making a fool of yourself. What excuses will you come up with to avoid the debates.

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